Past montgomery News stories

Thank you to WSFA-TV Alabama Live show for having Mark Litvine, Director of Marketing for R.O.S.S. in the studio to promote our Recovering Out Loud Rally!

Thank you to WSFA-TV for an inspiring and powerful story on our R.O.S.S. Montgomery Recovering Out Loud Rally at the Riverfront! Our Rally was a huge success! Let’s love people to a better life!

Thank you to WSFA-TV Alabama Live Show for having Mark Litvine, Director of Marketing for R.O.S.S. and Curt Lindsley with AARR – Alabama Alliance for Recovery Residences in the studio this morning to talk about our upcoming events in Montgomery for Recovery Month! 

Our R.O.S.S. Montgomery Recovery Community Center at 2100 Mt. Meigs Rd held our first ever Stop The Violence Cookout in collaboration with the City of Montgomery Office of Violence Prevention! There were Community Leaders and Family Members who have lost loved ones to gun violence speaking at the event. The purpose of the event was to stop the violence and bring our Montgomery Community together.


Thank you to WSFA-TV Alabama Live Show for having Mark Litvine in the studio to discuss our first ever Stop The Violence Cookout at R.O.S.S. Montgomery with the City of Montgomery Office of Violence Prevention on Friday May 12th!

Thank you to WSFA-TV Alabama Live Show for having Mark Litvine in the studio this morning discuss our upcoming events for R.O.S.S. Montgomery!

Thank you to WSFA-TV for an amazing story covering our 3rd Annual R.O.S.S. Montgomery Community Health and Resource Fair!

Mark Litvine went on WSFA TV Alabama Live show to promote our upcoming 3rd Annual R.O.S.S. Montgomery Community Health and Resource Fair from 11am to 2pm at Oak Park on Friday April 28th, 2023!

Mark Litvine Director of Marketing for R.O.S.S. was on WSFA-TV Alabama Live show promoting our 2022 R.O.S.S. Montgomery Health Fair on Friday April 29th!

Thank you to WSFA-TV Alabama Live News Show for having R.O.S.S. Montgomery on air to promote our Recovery Rally taking place Saturday September 11th at Oak Park Pavilion 3 starting at 10am!

Thank you to WSFA-TV for such an awesome story on the Strike Out Stigma Baseball Night last night! R.O.S.S. Montgomery was honored to be featured in the story!

Our R.O.S.S. Montgomery Recovery Community Center was featured on WSFA News tonight at 6pm! Check us out!

Our R.O.S.S. Montgomery Agency Coordinator was Interviewed on how our Recovery Community Center is reaching the people who fall through the cracks.

One of our R.O.S.S. Montgomery Certified Recovery Support Specialists was interviewed as well.

R.O.S.S. Montgomery hosted our very first Blanket Blessing Drive on Saturday November 13th! All of us at R.O.S.S. Montgomery are so thankful to our Montgomery community for the donations we received to give to our homeless population. We collected over 220 blankets and coats! We were honored to have received a huge donation from one of our groups that meet at the Recovery Community Center Black Nurses Rock! We also received donations for blankets from Montgomery County Community Corrections! Thank you all for helping us to love people to a better life!

We had a blast at our R.O.S.S. Montgomery Couples Valentine’s Day Dinner! Living our best life with Peers and Families. Celebrating Love & Fellowship!

Thank you to WSFA News for coming out to our R.O.S.S. Montgomery Community Health and Resource Fair!

Mark Litvine went on WSFA News for our R.O.S.S. 5 Year Anniversary and Recovery Community Services Program!

Thank you to WSFA News for coming out to our R.O.S.S. Montgomery Community Health and Resource Fair!

Mark Litvine went on WSFA News for our R.O.S.S. 5 Year Anniversary and Recovery Community Services Program!


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