past Marshall county news stories

Thank you to Emileigh Forrester and WHNT for an inspiring story with Michael Baker our amazing R.O.S.S. Marshall County Recovery Community Center Campus Coordinator and Mark Litvine, Director of Marketing for R.O.S.S. on our new Albertville location at 504 Mitchell Ave!

Our R.O.S.S. Marshall County Recovery Community Center has moved to 504 Mitchell Avenue Albertville, Alabama 35651. We are a safe, supportive and fun environment for everyone in our community. We are open 7 days a week from 9 AM to 9 PM. Stop by and see us! Thank you to our Marshall County Community for all of your support! It takes a Village!

Locals loving people to a better life | ROSS of Marshall County offers support for addiction

For those struggling with addiction, support from others can mean the difference between progress and relapse. That’s why the Recovery Organization of Support Specialists (ROSS) was formed to advocate, empower and collaborate for any individual seeking recovery…

Such an amazing article by the Sand Mountain Reporter on our Marshall County R.O.S.S. Recovery Community Center!

Another inspiring story on R.O.S.S. Marshall County with WAFF 48 News!

Such an incredible story with WHNT News 19 for our Marshall County R.O.S.S. Recovery Community Center! 

Our amazing R.O.S.S. Marshall County team was interviewed on how our Recovery Community Center is reaching the people who fall through the cracks.


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